Author:Kaitlyn O'Connor | Rating: 560 ratings |
Rate Stars: 3.74 of 5 stars | Category of Ebook:"Science Fiction" |
Published: (first published June 1st 2004) | Language of Book:English |
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Page Description:
By the time the scientific expedition from Earth reaches Nardyl, they find devastation instead of the advanced civilization they had expected—a world where the survivors now live, or die, by the sword. Tessa becomes the spoils of war—the female taken captive by the strongest male. From the moment she sees them, Tessa is certain this race of beings has visited Earth in the By the time the scientific expedition from Earth reaches Nardyl, they find devastation instead of the advanced civilization they had expected—a world where the survivors now live, or die, by the sword. Tessa becomes the spoils of war—the female taken captive by the strongest male. From the moment she sees them, Tessa is certain this race of beings has visited Earth in the distant past. Not only do they bear an unnerving resemblance to ancient man’s concept of evil in fleshly form—Satan—but Lucien possesses the power to bend her completely to his will and ‘possess’ her with the carnal pleasure only he can give her—or withhold from her.
Rating: Contains violence, graphic sex and explicit language, mild BDSM and profanity.
Genre: Futuristic Romance.
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